Quint Philippe Квинт Филипп

Quint was born on March 26, 1974 in St. PetersburgRussia. He studied at Moscow‘s Special Music School for the Gifted with Russian violinist Andrei Korsakov and made his orchestral debut at the age of nine. After emigrating to the United States in 1991, he earned both bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Juilliard School, graduating in 1998. He is now an American citizen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippe_Quint

Philippe Quint plays Nigun on Ex- Vieuxtemps 1741 Guarneri Del Gesu
nigun (Hebrew: ניגון‎ meaning “tune” or “melody”, pl. nigunim) or niggun (pl. niggunim) is a form of Jewish religious song or tune sung by groups. It is vocal music, often with repetitive sounds such as “Bim-Bim-Bam”, “Lai-Lai-Lai”, “Yai-Yai-Yai” or “Ai-Ai-Ai” instead of formal lyrics. Sometimes, Bible verses or quotes from other classical Jewish texts are sung repetitively to form a nigun. Some nigunim are sung as prayers of lament, while others may be joyous or victorious.[1][2]

Nigunim are largely improvisations, though they can be based on thematic passages and are stylized in form, reflecting the teachings and charisma of the spiritual leadership of the congregation or its religious movement. Nigunim are especially central to worship in Hasidic Judaism, which evolved its own structured, soulful forms to reflect the mystical joy of intense prayer (devekut).https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigun

Philippe Quint plays Nigun on Ex- Vieuxtemps 1741 Guarneri Del Gesu
Philippe Quint( Филипп Квинт) interview ( In Russian) After Astana Debut
Филипп Квинт, Ф. Мендельсон Концерт для скрипки с оркестром ми минор
V международный фестиваль искусств «Астана кештері».
3 июня 2016 г. Вечер инструментальной классики.
Филипп Квинт (скрипка, США)
Борис Березовский (фортепиано, Россия)
Симфонический оркестра театра «Астана Опера»
дирижер К. Хватынец (Россия)
«Астана опера» (Большой зал)

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