Scientist of the day – 15 December
Today I (Radha Mohan (Radhe)) introduce you about an Austrian man who was a true genius, comparable only to #AlbertEinstein. In #MaxBorn‘s words, “As a scientist he was, perhaps, even greater than Einstein. But he was a completely different type of man, who, in my eyes, did not attain Einstein’s greatness.” That Austrian genius is our “scientist of the day” today.
It’s death anniversary of #WolfgangErnstPauli, one of the most #outstanding physicists of the twentieth century —
(Scientist of the Day – 15 December)
His most famous work, the #exclusion principle was formulated in 1925 for electrons, and later extended to all #fermions with his #spin_statistics theorem of 1940. For this exclusion principle, he received the 1945 Nobel Prize in Physics after having been nominated by Albert Einstein.
In 1930, Pauli considered the problem of #beta decay. In a letter of 4 December to #LiseMeitner et al., beginning, “Dear radioactive ladies and gentlemen”, he proposed the existence of ….
Read a full article here,
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D.R. Pauli hun Gary
Scientist of the day – 29 November
Copyright – Radha Mohan
When a fire engine approaches, the siren gets louder as it comes closer, taxing your eardrums as it whizzes past, and fades into the distance. What causes this difference in volume? Why stars in the sky appear to be of different colors? The answer was proposed by an Austrian man in 1842. That Austrian man is our “scientist of the day” today.
It’s the birthday of #ChristianAndreasDoppler, a legendary man inspired by the dazzling light of the stars —
(Scientist of the Day – 29 November)
Doppler is renowned primarily for his #revolutionary theory of the Doppler effect, which has deeply influenced many areas of modern #science and #technology, including #medicine. His work has laid the foundations for modern #ultrasonography and his ideas are still inspiring discoveries more than a hundred years after his death.
Working as a professor at the #PraguePolytechnic, he published over 50 articles on mathematics, physics and astronomy but at the age of 38 (in 1842), Doppler gave a lecture to the Royal Bohemian Society of Sciences and subsequently published his most notable work….
You can read a full explanation of the Doppler effect (equation), here
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Thank you, Radha Mohan