Джованни Зантдески – Zantedeschia (Calla Lily) ‘Aethiopica‘ (Калла Лили) “Эфиопский” – цветок с пестиком – БЕЛЫЙ ЦВЕТОК С ЖЕЛТЫМ ПЕСТИКОМ – КРАСИВЫЕ ПРИРОДНЫЕ ЯВЛЕНИЯ & Антуриум Anthurium

Die Flamingoblumen (Anthurium, danach auch eingedeutscht Anthurien genannt) bilden mit mehr als 600 bis über 1000 Arten die einzige Gattung der Tribus Anthurieae und wohl artenreichste Gattung der Familie der Aronstabgewächse (Araceae). Diese rein neotropische Gattung ist im tropischen Mittel- und Südamerika und auf den Karibischen Inseln verbreitet. Als Zimmerpflanzen sind vor allem Sorten von zwei Arten verbreitet: Die Große Flamingoblume (Anthurium andraeanum) und die Kleine Flamingoblume (Anthurium scherzerianum). ~wiki

Anthurium is een plantengeslacht uit tropisch Amerika dat bestaat uit circa 600 soorten. Het geslacht behoort tot de aronskelkfamilie (Araceae). Deze planten zijn epifyten met weinig wortels. De stengels zijn 15-30 cm lang. De bladeren hebben meestal bladstelen, maar er zijn ook typen die een bladrozet maken met slechts een rudimentaire bladsteel.

De bloemen zijn klein (ongeveer 3 mm) en groeien op een vlezige bloeikolf (spadix) met (karakteristiek voor de familie) een schutblad (spatha) eromheen die verschillende kleuren kan hebben. De meeste soorten hebben een weinig opvallend schutblad dat groen tot zwart van kleur is. Met name Anthurium andreanum en Anthurium scherzerianum kunnen fel gekleurde schutbladen hebben: donkergroen tot wit, roze, oranje tot helrood en paars. Deze kleur kan veranderen naargelang het bloemstadium (van knopstadium tot bloeistadium). De vruchten zijn bessen die uitgroeien op een vruchtentak (infructescence).

Met name de lakanthurium (Anthurium andreanum) en de flamingoplant (Anthurium scherzerianum) worden in de handel aangeboden als potplant of als snijbloem. Sommige soorten worden ook verkocht als bladplant, bijvoorbeeld Anthurium clarinervium en Anthurium crystallinum. Als kamerplant hebben deze soorten een hogere relatieve luchtvochtigheid en lichtintensiteit nodig om het blad in goede conditie te houden.

Anthurium als potplant heeft ook een luchtfilterende werking NASA Clean Air Study. Anthurium is niet de enige kamerplant met die positieve eigenschap maar het grote voordeel van een anthurium is wel dat deze heel erg lang in bloei kan blijven. Dat onderscheidt een anthurium van andere bloeiende planten. De luchtfilterende kwaliteiten van Anthurium hebben o.a. effect op formaldehyde, ammoniak en vluchtige organische gassen. Voldoende anthuriums in een ruimte verminderen de schadelijke stoffen in gebouwen met meer dan 50% in 24 uur. ~wiki

  The genus name Anthurium is derived from the Greek ‘Anthos’ and ‘Oura’. The literal translation of this is ‘flowering tail’. The name is appropriate because of the flowering manner. This consists of a spathe and the spadix, on which the flowers are found. The manner in which it flowers defines that the Anthurium belongs to the Arum family (Araceae).

A world traveller with tropical roots

Anthurium has a stronger link to Colombia than to Greece. Its exotic appearance actually gives it away; the Anthurium originates from the rain forests of Colombia. The Austrian doctor and botanist Dr. Karl van Scherzer had the honour of finding the first species of Anthurium. Not entirely surprisingly the botanist named this species after himself, namely Anthurium scherzerianum. ~wiki

De wortels van de anthurium zijn eigenlijk grotendeels luchtwortels, die gemakkelijk verstikken in normale potgrond. Daarom doet ze het goed in een luchtig en vochtdoorlatend grondmengsel. Deze potgrond moet er voor zorgen dat de plant altijd licht vochtig is, maar wel luchtig en goed doorlatend.

Anthurium Flower – Meaning, Symbolism and Colors

What would our world look like, if we didn’t have the beauty of a flower? They make our existence more beautiful with their mesmerizing smells and colors. Ancient cultures believed in hidden powers of nature and everything that grew under its wing.

Anthurium flower belongs to the Arum family that unifies almost 1000 different flowers. Their shapes and colors might be different, but they are all essentially one big family. Colors can range between green, white or pink and they usually have heart-shaped leaves. Anthurium plant flower has tiny blooms that go around the fleshy spiky part that is called the spadix.

Meaning of the Anthurium flower

Arthurium flower represents adapting to any environment, since this beautiful plant adapts to both cold and warm surroundings. This flower is also known as the hospitality flower and you can have it in your home no matter where you live Anthurium flower has several other meanings and those are:

  • Happiness,
  • Abundance

Happiness – Those who have this flower as their birth flower are happy and satisfied people. They enjoy spending time with other people and even the leaves on this beautiful flower remind of happiness and love with their heart shape. If you want your home to attract happy and positive vibes, this is the flower for you.

Abundance – As a symbol of abundance, anhurium flower is going to bring more of everything into your home. This is the type of flower you want to have in your office or even at work, because it attracts everything positive and everything in abundance.

Hospitality – Like I mentioned earlier, anthurium is a symbol of hospitality and many even call it the hospitality flower. Even the appearance of this flower is so inviting and it is simply calling for you to come inside a house.

Anthurium – Etymological meaning

Names of flowers usually derive from ancient words and names that were created by the ancient cultures. Each name is unique in its own way, but many flowers and plants slowly changed their names as the time went by.

People named flowers and plants to represent something that caught their eye or attention, therefore many plants carry names that describe their appearance or survival habits.

Name Arthurium derives its name from two words that were created by the Greeks. These two words are oura, which means tail and the second word anthos, which means flower. When we combine these two words we get the “tail flower” name, which was probably given because of the long tail that grows out of the center of this beautiful plant.

Many cultures around the world had their own names and phrases for this unusual flower. Other names are flamingo flowers, bull’s head flower, cock’s comb and painted tongue flower. As you can already see, all of these names were based on the appearance of the Anthurium. There is a name for this flower in your country, no matter where you live.

Anthurium – Symbolism

Anthurium flower symbolism is defined by these words: hospitality, happiness, adaptation and beauty. Symbolism was based on the behavior of this flower and the amount of work it takes to take care of it.

Flowers usually require less or more care depending on their size, growth habits etc. Anthurium flower requires little attention, and the only thing you have to worry about is watering the plant every once in a while. As a universal symbol of hospitality, Anthurium flower can be placed both in an office and home. With its beautiful appearance it simply invites people to come in and take a seat.

After you cut this flower, it can last for a very long time without whiter.  This makes it an ideal flower for all kinds of bouquets. Bridal bouquets are usually made out of these flowers, so some even link them to marriage, love and happiness. Their heart-shaped leaves are perfect bridal bouquet flowers since they instantly remind us of love and hearts.

Anthurium flower is a symbol of abundance and many people keep this plant in their home to invite exactly that. If you are looking for a perfect gift for someone, who you are visiting for the first time, this might be the perfect gift. It fits well in every surrounding, and since it doesn’t require a lot of grooming it is perfect for everyone.

Anthurium – Color meaning

Anthurium flowers come in different colors. Every color has its own meaning and according to this meaning people usually buy Anthuriums and gift them to others.

When giving someone a gift, especially if it’s a flower, mind the color meaning of the flower and pick the one that suits the occasion the best.


Color white in Anthurium symbolizes purity and innocence. This is a perfect gift to give to someone you like or find to be beautiful. You can also choose this Anthurium flower for the bridal bouquet and include it in the bridal decorations. White has always been the symbol of innocence and purity, and people usually picked white flowers for weddings, baptisms and child births. Everything that reminds you of purity and innocence can be celebrated with the white Anthurium flower.


Color red symbolizes passion, admiration and love. Anthurium flowers are perfect for the color red, since they are shaped as big hearts. When you combine hearts and the color red, there is nothing more romantic than that. Anthurium flowers in red color can be gifted to someone you really like and you want to make this clear to this special person. Red Anthuriums are perfect for Valentine’s day and relationship anniversaries. If you want to make your other half feel special and loved, pick this beautiful flower or gift her rich bouquet of red Anthuriums as a symbol of your endless love.


Pink Anthuriums symbolize motherly love, compassion and femininity. This is a perfect gift for someone you love but not in a romantic way. If you want to surprise your sister, mother or even a co-worker, this is a perfect gift to give. Color pink can also symbolize kindness and subtle nature of something. if you are not sure about the color of the flower you want to gift to someone, this is a perfect neutral color that can’t be taken in the wrong way. When you are visiting someone’s house for the very first time, the pink Anthurium is the perfect choice.


This unusual color was created recently, but it has become one of the most eye-catching colors in the botanical world. Color purple symbolizes royalty, spirituality and passion. Purple Anthuriums are perfect or those who love to have something unusual and not too-available for everybody else. This exotic flower goes perfectly well together with the color purple, since it accentuates its interesting features even more.


Green Anthuriums are symbols of power, growth, hope and freshness. Green Anthuirums can be gifted to anybody, and the color green is always natural-looking on any flower. Even though the colors can be interesting to see in plants, nothing beats the natural green color of a plant in any home.

Anthurium – Botanical facts and characteristics

Like I mentioned earlier, Anthuriums don’t require too much work and dedication. They are perfect flowers for people who don’t have a lot of time to take care of plants and flowers. These flowers adapt perfectly to almost any living condition, but since they are originally from warmer parts of the planet, they enjoy warmer temperatures.

As a natural remedy, Anthurium was used for centuries. This amazing plant supposedly cures everything from cramps, muscles aches to rheumatism. It works well as a pain killer and muscle relaxer. The only thing you have to worry about is the foliage of the flowers that can be rich in calcium oxalate crystals that can irritate our skin and muscle membranes.

Their primary use is ornamental, due to their gorgeous appearance. People seem to love their heart-shaped leaves, and they are perfect details on every bride’s bouquet and even as a Christmas ornament. Besides watering this plant, there is not much else to do around it.

Make sure you get a big enough pot for this beautiful plant, in order for it to have enough room to spread its roots. Water it few times a week, and don’t use too much water.

If you are interested in the lifespan of cut leaves, they can last in a vase for almost 8 weeks. This is amazing news for everyone who is looking for a decorative flower that can make your home look beautiful and it doesn’t whiter too fast. With this flower you will always have a beautiful flower and ornament on the center of your coffee or dinner table.

Anthurium – Secret message

Every flower has its own secret message to send. We gift certain flowers to other people for a reason therefore it is good to know what each flower represents and which message is hidden behind a certain flower.

Anthurium flower is sending you a message full of abundance and hospitality. This is a perfect present for someone who is moving into a new home or college dorm. They are perfect plants for everyone who doesn’t like spending too much time taking care of living beings and plants.

Pick a perfect color to suit the occasion you are attending and surprise someone you love with this beautiful flower. Choose the red Anthurium to surprise the person you adore or white one to make a beautiful ornament for your bridal shower or wedding.

These heart-shaped flowers are beautiful and easy to take care of, so there is no reason not to make it an eye-catching and inviting flower in your home.

https://fl owermeanings.org/anthu rium-flower-mean ing/



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Giovanni Zantedeschi (Molina di Fumane13 maggio 1773 – Bovegno16 maggio 1846) è stato un botanico italiano.

Figlio di Giambattista Zantedeschi e Margherita Bacilieri di Breonio (frazione di Fumane), studioso, medico e appassionato di botanica compì i suoi studi in Medicina e Chirurgia dapprima a Verona e quindi a Padova, dove si laureò con sommo onore.

Compiuto il tirocinio a Verona, esercitò la sua professione di medico condotto per qualche tempo a Tremosine e successivamente, nel 1804 per circa quarantadue anni, fino alla sua morte avvenuta nel 1846, a Bovegno in Valtrompia. Rimasto vedovo nel 1807, il 7 novembre 1810 a trentasette anni si risposò a Bovegno con una giovane diciassettenne del paese.[1]

Da studioso di botanica, pubblicò una decina di opere sulla flora della provincia di Brescia. Era legato da un rapporto di amicizia a Ciro Pollini (17821833), botanico veronese autore della poderosa Flora Veronensis. Intratteneva inoltre una fitta corrispondenza scientifica con il botanico tedesco Kurt Sprengel (1766 – 1833) il quale, come riconoscimento per i suoi studi, gli dedicò un genere della famiglia delle Araceae, chiamandolo Zantedeschia.

Fu inoltre anche anatomo patologo, approfondendo i suoi studi attraverso l’autopsia sui cadaveri presenti nell’Ospedale San Giovanni di Bovegno, dove esercitava come medico. Ebbe “esperienze cliniche varie e molteplici, si dedicò alla cura di complicate malattie, a gravi patologici casi..che debellò con l’acqua marziale del suo paese” (l’acqua ferruginosa di Bòvegno e nello specifico della fonte di Sant’Antonio di Graticelle e del Monte Trovina, n.d.r.).[2][3]

Zantedeschi scoprì e descrisse per primo il Laserpitium nitidum noto con il nome comune di laserpizio insubrico, della famiglia delle Apiaceae. Inoltre fu il primo botanico a descrivere la sassifraga ragnatelosa (Saxifraga arachnoidea), della famiglia delle Saxifragaceae, scoperta nel 1804 dal botanico ceco Kaspar Maria von Sternberg (17611838).

Molina, il suo borgo natale, gli ha dedicato il Museo Botanico della Lessinia di Molina di Fumane che ospita oltre trecento specie della flora dell’altopiano lessinico tra le quali vari esemplari di orchidee.  https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Zantedeschi

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https://funart.pro/19817-kra sivye-prirodnye-javlenija-59-foto.html

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