Seriously injured Cat

The chance of survival is only 20%.

Saved by a whisker: Firefighters rescue scorched kitten with burnt paws from California fire remains as heartbreaking pictures capture the plight of thousands of pets and wild animals fighting for survival

  • Emergency rescue crews are saving animals displaced and injured due to the wildfires on the West Coast
  • A Los Angeles County Fire Department captain rescued ‘Fire Cat’ from charred debris in North California 
  • A puppy who suffered burns was found by Animal Control in Butte County, California, and taken to a veterinary center in Chico
  • Patti Candell returned to her barn completely destroyed in Mehama, Oregon, but discovered all her sheep and cows had survived
  • Horses were rescued by Animal Control crews and the North Valley Animal Disaster Group 
  • Social media users posted about a ‘fire tornado in Hellifornia’ as a clip from California went viral this weekend
  • The National Weather Service issued a red flag warning for Northern California through Monday night, saying strong southerly winds and low humidity will result in elevated fire weather conditions
  • Oregon had similar weather warnings as wildfire continued to burn acres of the West Coast 
  • Search and rescue teams looked for victims under burned residences and vehicles in the aftermath of fires 
  • An Oregon man compared scenes of melted vehicles were left behind as a war zone 
  • In California 24 people were dead, 10 in Oregon and one in Washington

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