Teo Gertler

Teo Gertler

Teo recently turned 11, but he is already a laureate of dozen of major international music competitions. In his 8 years of age and debut appearance, he won the second prize at the 17th International Competition of Young Violinists „Nutcracker“ in Moscow in 2016. In September 2018 Teo has been awarded Grand Prix at the XIV. International Competition of Young Violinists in Honour of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski in Lublin, Poland in the junior category (under age 17).

His musical maturity, unique sound and passionate interpretation were recognized in number of big stage solo performances with world’s finest orchestras, including Budapest Festival Orchestra conducted by Ivan Fischer, Moscow Academic Orchestra conducted by Ayyub Guliyev, or Hungarian Radio Symphonic Orchestra conducted by Adam Medveczky.

As a soloist Teo was invited to perform with orchestra at festivals in several occasions. In 2019, he performed at the Musical Olympus Festival with St Petersburg State Academic Capella (conducted by Alexander Chernushenko) or at the closing gala concert of Interlaken Classics Festival with Zakhar Bron Festival Orchestra. Besides multiple recitals and appearances around Europe, Teo was also invited to perform as a soloist at multiple big stages as for instance in Rudolfinum in Prague, Philharmonic Hall Brno, Berliner Dome, Vigadó Concert Hall, Franz Liszt Music Academy and Mupa in Budapest, Tchaikovsky Hall in Moscow, Kursaal in Interlaken, St Petersburg State Capella Hall, Lincoln Center in New York, as well as in the main concert halls in Slovakia. His engagements also include a vivid cooperation with Sinfonietta Zilina and conductor Leoš Svarovský.

Little virtuoso and his achievements

Teo has participated in number of masterclasses with world renowned professors and virtuosos and always attracted their attention by his approach, energy and passion for music and its interpretation. Despite his age, Teo has already performed solo with orchestras in Russia, Switzerland, Denmark, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia.Among them, he played with the Budapest Festival Orchestra, following an invitation and conducted by Ivan Fisher, as well as with the Philharmonic Orchestra Brno, conducted by Marian Lejava, Slovak Sinfonietta, conducted by Oliver Dohnanyi or with the Hungarian Radio Symphonic Orchestra, directed by Adam Medveczky, and West Bohemian Symphonic Orchestra conducted by Martin Peschik.

Selection of the repertoire

Antonio Vivaldi: The Four Seasons, op.8 (Winter and Spring)
Max Bruch: Violin Concerto no.1 in g minor, op.26
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Violin Concerto no.3 in G major, (KV216)
Felix Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in e minor, op.64
Felix Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in d minor, MWV O 3
Henryk Wieniawski: Violin Concerto no.2 in d minor, op.22
Tomaso Vitali: Chaconne in g minor
Jules Massenet: Meditation from Thaïs
Nicolo Paganini: Cantabile op.17 (MS 109)
Henryk Wieniawski: Scherzo Tarantelle, op.16
Pablo de Sarasate: Introduction et Tarantelle, op. 43
Pablo de Sarasate: Ziegeunerweisen, op. 20
Piotr Tchaikovsky: Souvenir d’un lieu cher, Op.42/3 MelodieJean-Marie Leclair: Violin Sonata no.3 in D major op.9
Francesco Geminiani: Violin Sonata in B flat major, (H106)
Franz Schubert: Violin Sonata no.1 in D major, op.137 (D384) https://teogertler.com/me/

Virtuosos 2017 | Casting | Teo Gertler – Dancla: Premiere Solo

Pablo de Sarasate Gypsy Tunes 1878 violin Teo Gertler The Opening of The Nutcracker 2019
Teo GERTLER plays Mendelssohn Concerto in e minor at Musical Olympus

11 year old Teo plays Mendelsohn violin Concerto e minor, op.64, as an invited performing artist in the opening ceremony of the Musical Olympus Festival 2019 in Sankt Petersburg State Capella Concert Hall with Symphony Orchestra of the St. Petersburg State Academic Cappella (directed by Alexander Chernushenko), Russia, 2 June 2019.

Virtuózok 2019 | Koncert | M. D. Falla: Danse Espagnole (Teo Gertler, Plácido Domingo)

🙂 Mijn moeder had gewoon niet gelijk…. toen zij stelde dat de echte spanjaarden mij dat dansen nooit zouden leren…. omdat ik blauwe geen bruine ogen heb…. ze zat er zelfs volkomen naast…. ze gaf verkeerde info…. waar ik dus niet uitkwam…. en ik maar proberen te verzinnen hoe ik er anders uit zou zien…. gelukkig gaf ik dat op…. ik houd helemaal niet van spaanse dansen…. dat ik ze toen erg bijzonder vond, zodanig dat ik dat wilde leren, geeft mij nu aan, hoe grijs en niets het voor mij daar bij mijn ouders in huis was…. daar was dus totaal iets anders aan de hand… geestelijke honger…. kleurloosheid….
vooral verkeerde info, kinder bedrog door smalheid en wellicht innerlijke hopeloosheid…. mijn moeder mocht niet verder leren, hoewel zij dolgraag wilde…. en de jongens die hbs gehad hadden en soms vriendschap met haar hadden… namen haar niet serieus als mogelijke partner…. haar ziel, haar hart en haar intelligentie (later toen ze op haar achterhoofd gevallen was en erg ziek werd gedurende lange tijd, is haar IQ nagegaan en de arts zei: “Weet je wel, dat je erg intelligent bent?”) alles deed er niet toe om deel te mogen nemen…. vandaar kan je iets vreemds krijgen als: ‘door de kleur van jouw ogen…. etc…. ben jij uitgesloten…
DIT IS ONZIN…. en gemakzucht…. bescherming van….

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